[lug] x server memory usage and indirect xscreensaver memory leak

Jeffrey Siegal jbs at quiotix.com
Mon Dec 31 14:40:29 MST 2001

rm at fabula.de wrote:
> Hmm, it's a while since i last wrote raw X code, but if memory serves
> me right a x client program can and will often allocate x resources
> that live in the _servers_ address space. So if an application loads
> a hughe image file that image file lives in the x servers memory space,
> or am i totally wrong here? (I'll go and chaeck my books ...).

That's correct.  XCreatePixmap(), for example, will allocate space for
the image in the server's memory space.  It might be nice if there was
some way to "charge" this memory back to the client, but there isn't.

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