Was: [lug] February talk -- Now: GNU automake/autoconf/libtool

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Tue Jan 29 12:07:09 MST 2002

Ed Hill wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-01-28 at 19:27, Chris Riddoch wrote:
> >
> > Tangential to package management are some of the software development
> > tools which I've never understood well, mostly for lack of a good
> > tutorial - autoconf, automake, libtool, etc. I understand a book has
> > been written on the subject, but looking through it, it felt much more
> > referency than tutorialy. Anybody want to do a talk on this another
> > month?
> Perhaps we could persuade Tom Tromey:
>   http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/
> to give a talk on automake/autoconf/libtool.  That I would attend.  Tom,
> if you're listening, I'll be the first to buy you a beer [0] after such
> a presentation!

That's probably a topic all by itself. I could imagine a full semester
class on autoconf and family. Could we get an entire evening with that
topic, and not just a short bit squeezed in with packaging?
Configuration management (relative to packaging) is an enormous topic.

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

> Ed
> [0] or any drink of your choosing!
> --
> Edward H. Hill III, PhD
> Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:       ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
> Division of ESE            |  URL:         http://www.eh3.com
> Colorado School of Mines   |  Phone:       303-273-3483
> Golden, CO  80401          |  Fax:         303-273-3311
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