[lug] how secure is Netscape 6.x?

qqq1one @yahoo.com qqq1one at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 9 12:54:22 MST 2002

OK, so not even NS 4 was ever OS'd.  Well, do BLUGers recommend mozilla
then?  Or perhaps Konqueror instead?  I'm looking for a safe (as in
secure), stable browser that works on all web features (excluding
MS-only features, of course).

--- trentjarvi at yahoo.com wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, qqq1one @yahoo.com wrote:
> > Just wondering.  NS 4.x was open source, correct?  Not so of NS
> 6.x,
> > right?  I know it's based on mozilla, which is OS, but AOL/Netscape
> has
> > changed code and not released it, no?
> > 
> > What I getting at is, if there's an exploitable bug, are we or are
> we
> > not as likely to hear about it along with a patch forthcoming?  
> Anybody?
> > 
> There never was an open source Netscape as far as I know.  Yes its a 
> spawn from Mosaic as was IE.  They handed the code base over to 
> mozilla.org which is not AOL.  I'm sure some people hacking on
> mozilla 
> locally would be glad to agree.  Very responsible actions if you ask
> me.
> I'm sure there are legal issues that prevent netscape from being open
> source (third party packages).  They did well just in making it
> possible 
> to hand mozilla back to the community.
> If you want source review and timely patches support mozilla.org.
> -- 
> Trent Jarvi
> trentjarvi at yahoo.com
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