[lug] LaTeX to Word Doc/RTF

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Tue Feb 19 15:21:06 MST 2002

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 14:36, J. Wayde Allen wrote:
> On 19 Feb 2002, Ed Hill wrote:
> > >    - Is LaTeX simply getting to be too old?  
> > 
> > Its still just as good (better!) than it ever was.  ;-)
> Well yes, but the question has more to do with continued evolution and
> global acceptance.  My feeling is that the number of LaTeX users is
> shrinking rather than growing.  Part of the reason for this feeling comes
> from a recent interaction I had with a technical magazine that wanted to
> publish one of my papers, but that had never heard of LaTeX.

Doesn't surprise me at all.  Plenty of journals have never used (La)TeX
and probably never will.

> > >    - Is Docbook a better choice today?
> > 
> > Having used both, I'd say that they are just different tools suited to
> > different purposes.  Docbook is great for manuals, HOWTOs, etc. since it
> > supports so many display formats.  But if you need to do extensive
> > mathematical notation or if you need fine-grained control of formatting
> > and are fine with just PDF or PS output then I think LaTeX is hard to
> > beat.
> Not really certain you answered the question.  LaTeX is also great for
> manuals, HowTo's, etc., and also supports many display formats.  Your
> comment begs the question - what makes these tools really different?
> I was curious about the mathematical formating capabilities of Docbook in
> relation to LaTeX.  LaTeX being very strong in this area.  I have also
> been wondering about the formatting issues.  At one level it seems that
> the Docbook DTD is similar to the LaTeX style or class files.  That
> `could' imply fine grained formatting control.  
> My `feeling' for what it is worth is that LaTeX exists in a kind of middle
> ground between a content based mark up style language and the detailed
> layout capabilities of a typesetting language.  For instance, our research
> papers are required by the editorial review board to adhere to a strict
> typographical format, and I'm certain that LaTeX can provide this while at
> the same time offering a degree of content mark up.  I'm not so sure that
> Docbook can?  That is part of what I'm wanting to understand.

"Feelings" ?

Look, when Docbook or some other free or inexpensive XML/SGML tool
produces good markup for something like the following (note: real
example pulled from my most recent manuscript):

\mathrm{P}_{Y_i}\left(y_i|Z_i=z_i\right) &=& \Pr \left( Y_i=y_i |
X_i+Y_i=z_i \right) \\[0.05in]\nonumber &=&
\left(X_i=z_i-y_i\right)\right]} {\Pr\left(X_i+Y_i=z_i\right)}
\\[0.05in]\nonumber &=&\frac{\left[ \DS
e^{-\tau_y\lambda_i\theta_i}}{y_i!} \right]\left[ \DS
\frac{(\tau_x\lambda_i)^{z_i-y_i} e^{-\tau_x\lambda_i}}{(z_i-y_i)!}
\right]}{\left[ \DS  \frac{{[(\tau_x+\tau_y\theta_i)\lambda_i]}^{z_i}
e^{-(\tau_x+\tau_y\theta_i)\lambda_i}}{z_i!} \right]}
\\[0.05in]\nonumber &=& \frac{z_i!}{(z_i-y_i)! y_i!}
\left[\frac{(\tau_y\theta_i)^{y_i} (\tau_x)^{z_i-y_i}}
{(\tau_x+\tau_y\theta_i)^{z_i}}\right] \\[0.05in]\nonumber &=&
\\[0.05in]\nonumber &=& \mathrm{C}_{y_i}^{z_i}
\left(\frac{\tau_x}{\tau_x+\tau_y\theta_i}\right)^{z_i-y_i}, \quad

I'll gladly try it.  And even switch to it from LaTeX if it offers any
real advantages.  Hey, I'm not a (La)TeX bigot.  Its just a good tool.

And, AFAIK, the above can't be done in Docbook.  But I'll be happy to be
proven wrong as I'd enjoy having other options for math formatting and


ps - Can Docbook do automatic marginal line numbering as required 
     by some journals?  Its relatively easy to do in LaTeX...

Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:       ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
Division of ESE            |  URL:         http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines   |  Phone:       303-273-3483
Golden, CO  80401          |  Fax:         303-273-3311
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