[lug] LaTeX, article, headers and footers
Ed Hill
ed at eh3.com
Thu Feb 21 18:30:49 MST 2002
On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 17:50, Timothy C. Klein wrote:
> I think you can do \pagestyle{myheadings}, and
> then \markright{your Header}
> in the preamble. I don't immediately see how to do footers. Latex
> actually tries to decide on a header and footer automatically, and for
> an article I think the foot is the page number, and the header is empty.
> Vague and brief, sorry, but I am not LateX/TeX expert.
This is explained in detail by Kopka and Daly. They include some nice
examples and layout diagrams with the spacing variables. Please save
yourself a lot of time and go get a copy. If money is an issue, use the
library (or inter-library loan). I'd lend you my copy, but I'm working
on a paper right now and need to refer to it. Its a great tutorial and
Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher | Email: ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
Division of ESE | URL: http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines | Phone: 303-273-3483
Golden, CO 80401 | Fax: 303-273-3311
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