[lug] System.map issue

Chris Riddoch socket at peakpeak.com
Fri Feb 22 12:51:23 MST 2002

Hi, everyone.

I just installed Debian Testing on my new laptop (yay!) and so far,
it's doing remarkably well. There are a couple glitches (Apache didn't
like its new access.conf) but here's a quick question. I'm sure
there's an easy answer.

/boot/System.map was created when I made my 2.4.17 kernel.  When I
copied it to the right place and ran lilo, everything was fine.
During the next bootup, I noticed a lot of errors like the following:

> Warning: /boot/System.map not parseable as a System.map

So I took a look at it, and found that it got corrupted somehow.  In
case it's helpful for someone to see it,
is the corrupted version.

And yes, I did make sure lilo is pointed to the right System.map file
and ran lilo -v it before rebooting. No errors. It's weird.

This doesn't happen until I shutdown or startup, and I'm not sure if
something in the /etc/init.d/ scripts is hosing it or if I've got
bigger problems. What's going on here?

Chris Riddoch       | epistemological
socket at peakpeak.com | humility

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