[lug] LPRng not consistant

Rob Mohr robmohr at earthnet.net
Tue Mar 5 14:37:43 MST 2002

After a planned reboot, my spooler is auto aborting print spool jobs.
Other than the reboot, I did not change anything.  But I am not clear on
what the message copy may mean or what it is pointing to as a cause.

My session is as follows:

Blue:/home/robmohr/latex# lpr TycoValve.ps <enter>
Blue /home/robmohr/latex# lpq <enter>
Printer: lp at localhost 'HP Laserjet 4L'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: removing job  'root at localhost+534' - ABORT at 15:24:33.155

Why this would happen after an incidental reboot is a puzzle to me.
Thinking it was a glitch, I shutdown and restarted.   I killed and
restarted the printer daemon.  lpc status returns

Printer       Printing  Spooling Jobs Server Subserver

lp at localhost   enabled  enabled   0  none   none

Again,here I am not sure if an indication is wrong; I don't pay attention
to what this status is when it is working.  I looks nominal to me.

a snippet from dmesg has

parport_probe: succeeded
parport0: Printer, Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4L
lp0: using parport0 (polling).

And that looks nominal to me, too.  

I can't, at this time, think of any action that I took in the interrum
between the last print job and the recent reboot.  

Finally, I tried to line print as root, same thing about aborting.  


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