Academic exercises (was: Re: [lug] File modification)

Chip Atkinson chip at
Thu Mar 14 13:39:40 MST 2002

Ok, I think I may take what I can get and be grateful for it.  Don't have
the offer though, so the point may be moot anyway.

Yeah, a friend and I thought about doing an experiment where we concoct a
resume that matches almost exactly the position applied for and see if we
got a call back.

I'm also at the point where if I get any feedback whatsoever, I thank them
for their follow up.


 On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, D. Stimits wrote:

> Chip Atkinson wrote:
> >
> > Moving on to the topic of the last paragraph....
> >
> > What are people finding out there in the employment world?  I had an
> > interview recently and it went well I thought.  The pay was not quite what
> > I was hoping for though.  Considering the last paragraph of Sean's note
> > below, now I wonder if I should just jump at the offer or what.
> >
> > I'd be interested in hearing what other people are finding and their
> > experiences.
> >
> > Chip
> ...
> It's a dead employment world. I also go to the various employment
> networking groups, some incredibly skilled people with very very good
> resumes say they can hardly get an interview. I personally find it hard
> to even get a rejection notice.
> D. Stimits, stimits at
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