[lug] Hacking Society Meeting this thursday (new location!)

rise rise at knavery.net
Fri Mar 15 12:01:10 MST 2002

On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Peter Hutnick wrote:

> Does anyone who's planning to be there have an XML book that I could
> look at during the "meeting?"

It's a bit untimely, but I'll be there next Thursday and I can bring any
of "Learning XML", "The XML Elements of Style" or "XML In A Nutshell" if
you want them.

> I have a project that I'd like to start on, but it involves me becoming
> less dumb about XML.

Define "less dumb". :)  The basic, in the trenches, get the work done and
pretend this is the real world stuff isn't hard at all.  The Lovecraftian
tangle of standards that the W3C is spewing now isn't real popular even
with the people who make up xml-dev and makes my head hurt (actually, the
diagram showing their interrelations does that).

Jonathan Conway						      rise at knavery.net

	 "You really don't want to leave a logo on a victim."

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