[lug] DNS resolution oddities

Justin glow at jackmoves.com
Wed Mar 27 16:59:11 MST 2002

I have a domain that is having some very weird and very annoying dns 
issues. I just added a CNAME record to the zone file and it only 
resolves about 75% of the time, if that. Here is the zone file:

$TTL 3600
$ORIGIN fishpig.org.
fishpig.org.    IN      SOA     jackmoves.com. root.jackmoves.com. (
                        1D )
                IN      NS      ns.jackmoves.com.
                IN      A
                IN      MX      5 jackmoves.com.
localhost       IN      A
www             IN      CNAME   fishpig.org.
globalops       IN      CNAME   fishpig.org.

I added the "globalops" line and incremented the serial number and 
reloaded the zone in ndc. I've done this hundreds of times with other 
domains on the same server and it works perfectly fine. This one, for 
some reason, is not working 100%. What else can I do to further 
troubleshoot this? I'm at a loss and this problem makes no 
sense...FWIW, the "www" CNAME resolves all the time with on problems.


glow at jackmoves.com

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