[lug] linux/tcsh question

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Mon Apr 1 18:08:55 MST 2002

>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Herold <Herold at Colorado.EDU> writes:

Keith> Any other ideas?

are you absolutely sure that you're not blocking, waiting for input?

anyway, on a solaris box:

| $ tcsh
| > echo "foo" > tmp1
| > ls -al tmp1
| -rw-r--r--    1 tfoiani  dev             4 Apr  1 17:05 tmp1
| > cat tmp1
| foo
| > exit

which seems to do the trick.

on this linux box...

| bash$ rpm -qf `which tcsh`
| tcsh-6.10-6
| bash$ tcsh
| set: No match.
| tcsh% echo "foo" > tmp1
| tcsh% ls -al tmp1
| -rw-r--r--    1 tkil     users           4 Apr  1 18:07 tmp1
| tcsh% cat tmp1
| foo
| tcsh% exit

which also does what i expect.  try the above test?


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