[lug] parsing tool for linux

Ken Weinert mc at morat.net
Mon Apr 8 06:03:07 MDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 08 Apr 2002 5:57, you wrote:
> This is of course only a token stream. For your application i assume you
> want the abstract syntax tree. So either you write a parser with Yacc (i
> know i have the yacc files for c somewhere ...) or you hack gcc.

	To second what someone else said, ANTLR is very good at the abstract syntax 
tree sort of stuff. I worked with them back when they were PCCTS (Purdue 
Compiler Constructor Tool Set) and met the designer one day here in Denver as 
he was passing through. It started out as a graduate thesis and evolved into 
a commercial company.

	I'm not sure to what extent the code is still open source, although last I 
knew it was done in the typical way of a lot of commercial open source. 
Download and use it, no problem, you pay for commercial support.

- -- 
Ken Weinert   mc at morat.net
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