[lug] To LGPL or not.
Riggs, Rob
RRiggs at doubleclick.net
Tue Apr 9 08:43:40 MDT 2002
I am at work right now and don't have the time to give you the detailed
answer that this post deserves. However, I will say that LGPL meets all of
the requirements that you set forth.
I would like to address the issue of "breaking my own LGPL license", as you
put it. Since it's your code, you can do with it as you please, including
releasing it under as many licenses as you wish. However, since the LGPL
covers the case you mention, you will be OK no matter what. The main issue
to consider here is at what point do contributors to an open-source project
have a claim in the copyright of the software. This issue is addressed more
directly in other open-source licenses such as the MPL.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly Brock [mailto:krbrock at pacbell.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:23 AM
To: lug at lug.boulder.co.us
Subject: [lug] To LGPL or not.
Hi all,
I want to see if I can get some reasonable and, at least as well as
knows, well considered opinions on how to release open source code with a
couple exceptions to common licenses that I know. Let me first state the
1. Open source the basic library code obviously.
2. Ability to use it in commercial applications without full open
source'ing. Ie- As far as I know, LGPL so far at this point.
3. Requirement to release all changes/additions back to the open source
community, even if the system you work on is close sourced. Ie- Required
maintainance from all users.
4. Ability to *supply* closed source binaries for use with such system
long as those binaries *ALWAYS* require no license fees etc and only if
those systems supplied can be legally replaced with open source variants at
a later date without patent issues etc.. (IE- I want to get around the main
issue that has people a bit upset with the Mono project.)
Ok, why bother with all of this? Simply stated, I work in the game
industry and they generally have pretty nasty contracts. I'm going to
sidestep all of that nonsense by open sourcing my pet system, of which they
have no control over at this time. (If I keep on working on it, they would
by contract have *some* control, though I could still fight that under CA
laws which say I'm not a slave laborer as the contracts basically state in
the games industry.) With LGPL, if I decide to use it at work, it doesn't
matter because yes I "can" use it legally without forcing our game to become
open sourced. But the other issues are the ones that make me question the
LGPL license. CAN I release little utilities as closed source (have to in
some cases thanks to tool licensing of the developement kits in question)
without breaking my own LGPL license? And, how can I do that without
allowing someone nasty to release a binary which is free for 6 months and
then they change the rules and start charging.. (NOTE: I don't see any of
this causing problems but I want to nail it down as best can be done right
now as a "just in case" issue. I've been seeing/hearing about too many
problems not to at least attempt to hit all the bases given my
I don't want to get flamed for the above coment that I *do* want
releases possible. I have specific reasons for that, mostly because I use
many commercial license tools which can not have their source released. I
am not *so* open source that I won't use good tools when I can afford them.
For instance, I use an alternative to Lexx/Yacc which is commercial. I'm
completely happy with that and I really don't give a damn what others say, I
work faster and get more done using those tools which is all I really care
about UNLESS I was writting an open source language maybe... I'll freely
release the grammars but the rest of it will have to be ported. (That's one
of the reasons for saying no licensing fee's can be applied *after* a module
has been released. Ie- Unless you rebuild, new license terms are NOT
Ok, ok.. I can go on arguing with myself about all of this for a
time. The good bad and somewhat ok doesn't really matter. I'm looking for
suggestions to satisfy my numbered requirements. I'm also looking for
creative input on what items I'm potentially missing in the desired license
scheme. While the code I want to open source is based on my last 10 years
of work, it's completely original by fixing *most* of the problems with the
systems that I have worked with. The key is that I do not want to loose the
ability to work with it, and I want it capable of using binary distribution
only items because I use professional tools that the OpenSource community
has yet to match in some cases (lexx/yacc replacements for instance).
Comments, suggestions, etc.. All welcome. I don't want to start a
war though, please keep such messages civil. (I only say this because I've
seen lesser requests cause dissaster areas on lists.)
Kelly Brock
The Sims Online
Maxis - Electronic Arts
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