[lug] Video gone haywire

Ken Weinert mc at morat.net
Sun Apr 14 07:23:13 MDT 2002

On Saturday 13 Apr 2002 14:23, you wrote:
> Ken Weinert wrote:
> > Any thoughts on why my video should have suddenly gone haywire?
> > Neither hardware nor software has changed, it just suddenly stopped
> > working. Any ideas if the card or monitor is the more likely suspect?
> D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

	Or it could have all been a lie. *sigh*

	A RedCarpet update actually managed to update my system from using the last 
3.X version of XFree to the current 4.X version of XFree. Evidently the 
driver *still* doesn't work for this card, or perhaps I need to try to 
reconfigure again with the updated XFree.

	I finally noticed that X was linked to Xwrapper instead of XF86_SVGA - 
restoring the link restored my video.

	Thanks for the help and sorry for the red herring.

Ken Weinert   mc at morat.net
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