[lug] Linux jobs in Boulder/Denver?

hirsch at zapmedia.com hirsch at zapmedia.com
Tue Apr 16 21:51:35 MDT 2002

Hello lug subcribers,

I've been mostly lurking on this mailing list for about a month now.
Not knowing anyone in Boulder makes it very hard for me to break into
the job market out there.  I'm hoping to get to know more of you on
this forum.  So far I've been impressed with the quality of this list.
There seems to be a lot of Linux expertise here, and everyone seems

I'm hoping the high quality of the mailing list means there is also a
lot of Linux related employment in the Boulder neighborhood.  I am
trying to move my family out of Atlanta and Boulder is top of the list
of places I'd like to go, but first I need a job.

Are there some good Linux friendly shops out there?  I am a Linux and
Java developer.  I've been using Linux for 9 years now.  For the last
three years I've been specializing in embedded Linux and consumer
internet appliances at ZapMedia.  Can you recommend any embedded Linux
companies, or companies building appliance hardware?

Any suggestions you can throw my way would be most appreciated.
If you have any interest I can send a resume to you.  References, too.

Thanks.  Now back to your regular programming...


Michael D. Hirsch, Ph.D.
Software Developer

Phone: 678-420-2722                FAX: 678-420-5839
email: michael.hirsch at zapmedia.com Web: http://www.zapmedia.com

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