[lug] apache config for cgi virtual host

rise rise at knavery.net
Thu Apr 18 01:33:14 MDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Elyse Grasso wrote:

> My boss wants to be able to type
> http://mail.releaseteam.com
> instead of
> http://mail.releaseteam.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail
> do I need to create an index.html for mail.releaseteam.com to call the cgi?
> Or can I set up something in the apache conf file so that the cgi script if
> effectively called as the home page for mail.releaseteam.com?

You probably want to use the Location directive[0] with a custom action,
other alternatives are the Alias directive from mod_alias[1] or
mod_rewrite[2], but the latter is massive overkill for this use and
somewhat arcane.  If you're still having trouble I'll be happy to help.

[0] Something like this should work since autoindex tends to be on and
    it'll try index.html, if it fails do a touch htdocs/index.html:

    # set up handler for the front page
    Action front-page "/cgi-bin/sqwebmail"
    # associate handler with the root directory
    <Location "/index.html">
        SetHandler front-page

[1] http://www.apacheref.com/ref/mod_alias.html
[2] http://www.apacheref.com/ref/mod_rewrite.html

- -- 
Jonathan Conway						      rise at knavery.net
history is paling & my surge protection failed, & so I FRIED
						- Concrete Blonde, "Fried"
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