[lug] Linux & NT email

Peter Hutnick peter-lists at hutnick.com
Thu Apr 18 21:48:20 MDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 18 April 2002 08:45 pm, neelsmith74 at netscape.net wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need help setting up a local city's web mail sys via NT Exchange.  I made
> the first step in getting the web server converted to Linux-YEA.  However,
> they will not let me run Linux for email.  I therefore have to get email
> from my php web applications to route to the Exchange email server.  Is
> there a way to do this with out setting up Qmail on the Linux server-just
> pass all the email to MX (of city exchange email server).  I was thinking I
> could do this in the php.ini file or in the http.conf file.  Or do I need
> to set up Qmail and relay email through the exchange server (limiting the
> relay to the web servers IP for security reasons).  ANY IDEAS????

It isn't going to be a global PHP or Apache setting.  Neither have a sense of 
"this is my mailserver."  It depends on how the individual PHP script(s) 
is/are written.

It really depends on the PHP script and the Exchange server.  If the PHP 
script can be configured to talk SMTP to the Exchange server, and the 
Exchange server will relay the mail you are in good shape.

If either isn't the case it will probably just be easiest to set up an SMTP 
server locally.

- -- 
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