[lug] Speaking of old monitors
Glenn Ashton
gfa at idiom.com
Fri May 3 07:50:56 MDT 2002
Ecocycle's web site says their fee is $10.
According to a brief web search, it seems that Massachusetts and
California are the only states with laws on the books about computer
But, hey $10 is cheap if you're goal is to keep a couple of pounds of lead
from being buried in a landfill.
-Glenn Ashton
On Fri, 3 May 2002, Ken Weinert wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I was quoted a $35 fee for recycling a monitor from a computer recycling
> place here in Denver - I can look up the name if it's important. According
> to the person I talked to it is illegal to just dump a monitor in a landfill
> due to the toxicity issue of some of the components.
> On Thursday 02 May 2002 17:45, you wrote:
> > Speaking of toxic waste from monitors, I believe that Eco-Cycle now
> > takes old computer hardware at their drop-off site. I don't know what
> > they do with it.
> - --
> Ken Weinert mc at morat.net
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