[lug] OT: Veritas volume mgr and fs
Nate Duehr
nate at natetech.com
Sat May 18 01:03:08 MDT 2002
He's talking about the volume manager, not the backup software... two
different products (kinda - integration is pretty tight on newer
We use it at the shop I'm at. It's very nice for the on-the-fly volume
resizing and features you mentioned, but probably takes a performance
hit doing some of it.
However, when the object is uptime and not raw filesystem performance,
dynamically resizing a full filesystem is much cleaner than finding more
disk space, if the partitioning scheme isn't matching where developers
are putting data. (Of course the follow-up e-mails are interesting!)
On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 08:26, Ken Weinert wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've not had personal experience with it here, but I talked with a couple of
> the admins and there are two things to note:
> 1) we are using it for backups
> 2) we'd like to move away from it if we could find something better
> I'm not sure exactly how to interpret that last remark, but perhaps if you're
> interested and they're willing I could put you in touch with them via email
> to ask a more specific question or two.
> On Friday 17 May 2002 8:20, you wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Does anyone have any experience with the Veritas volume manager or file
> > system?
> - --
> Ken Weinert mc at morat.net
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Nate Duehr, nate at natetech.com
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