[lug] gcc 2.96

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Fri May 31 19:10:02 MDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "j" == j davis <davis_compz at hotmail.com> writes:

j> Hi,

j> while compiling mplayer i get the message that gcc2.96 is crap and
j> does not compile alot of stuff right. It did compile mplayer after
j> i disabled gcc checking but i get wierd errors from time to
j> time. So i am wondering if everybody (redhat users) up or
j> downgrades ther gcc to 2.5 or 3.0.x

j> and what about 7.3 , looks like it has the same bunk complier. I
j> tried compiling 3.0.2 i think, no luck. Could someone please help.

Well, first off... don't beleive everything you read. ;) 

The first RedHat 2.96 gcc rpm was pretty buggy... that was the one
that came out with RedHat 7.0, released long ago... 

Since that release there have been lots of updates of the gcc
package. The one that currently ships with 7.3 is 2.96-110 (meaning
110 rpm releases - most internal, but still releases). 

3.0 wasn't very stable, less so than the 2.96 RedHat was shipping. 
3.1 might be ok, but it came out too recently to tell. 

I think that 2.96-110 should be good for most any compiling task these
days. ;) If MPlayer still has weird errors, I suspect they are in
MPlayer at this point. 

There was a pretty big series of articles about the MPlayer guys a
while back... they were being abusive to end users, and not making
friends. I hope it's all been fixed, but who knows? 

j> Thanks, jd

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