[lug] Problem with OpenOffice.org 1.0.0

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Mon Jun 3 10:15:19 MDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 09:57, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:
> On 31 May 2002, Ed Hill wrote:
> > Note that the fonts in the menu boxes are *quite* ugly, but they do
> > work.
> 	In the "Font Replacement" configuration screen under
> Tools->Options, and then "OpenOffice.org->Font Replacement", add an alias
> from 'Andale Sans UI' to what ever font you want the menus to have, i.e.
> Helvetica looks nicer. Make sure to check the two box beside the
> replacement listing, and then click the Ok/Apply button. At that point,
> all the UI fonts should change to font you selected.
> 	And yes, the default font is ugly. I got the above out of the
> OpenOffice FAQ. TTYL.

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for responding with the tip!

Unfortunately, "Andale Sans UI" isn't listed in my "OpenOffice.org->Font
Replacement" menu.  And I can't figure out which font *is* being used
for the menus, so I don't know how to replace it.  I'll try looking
through the OOo web site some more and see if I can find the answer...

thanks again!

Edward H. Hill III, PhD    |  Email:       ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  URLs:        http://www.eh3.com
Division of ESE            |   http://wasser.mines.edu/people/edhill.php
Colorado School of Mines   |  Phone:       303-273-3483
Golden, CO  80401          |  Fax:         303-273-3311
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