Ferdinand Schmid fschmid at archenergy.com
Wed Jun 19 09:56:37 MDT 2002

Nate Duehr wrote:
> The packet loss was outbound only.  It appeared that the wireless
> transmitter has to wait for a sending timeslot, and if the buffers get
> overrun, it throws packets away -- it was throwing packets away at only
> modem upload speeds... not very impressive.
> Download speeds and packet loss were always comparable to Cable modem speeds
> or just slightly slower.  Faster than my DSL.

Sprint doesn't accept new customers anymore - they found that their cost of providing this 
service was higher than their revenue.  So my comments were only for reference.
As far as performance goes - it really depends what sector you are in.  They divide the 
world into 12 degree sectors from their tower on Eldorado mountain.  My sector seems to be 
much better than others - I always get over 2MBits/sec, usually around 3.5MBits/sec 
inbound.  Outbound is 256kBits/sec - DSL speed.  I typically get this speed and nothing 
less.  Sprint has trouble loosing packets if you have obstructions in your line of view to 
the tower.  Trees with (leaves during summer) are a common problem.


Ferdinand Schmid
Architectural Energy Corporation
Celebrating 20 Years of Improving Building Energy Performance

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