[lug] DVD recommendations

Hugh Brown hugh at brownclan.org
Tue Jun 25 18:49:58 MDT 2002

> That said, I've heard that Xine, which comes now with RH7.3, can be
> built with a library that you can get off the net which allows it to
> play encoded DVDs.  I've also read that a 533 Celeron or 800Mhz Cyrix C3
> gives pretty decent playback quality with Xine.

It can.  I spent a few hours trying to track down what was needed. 
Finally got it to work (I think) but forgot what all I had to do.  I
think I decided a while ago that watching a dvd on a computer isn't much
fun and I'd rather watch it on the tv (the tv is about 10 ft from the
desktop computer that has the dvd drive).

> You will need a DVD drive and typically the kernel needs to have SCSI
> support built in because SCSI emulation is required for the DVD drive. 
> My experience is that DVD drives are well supported in linux.

I didn't have to do scsi-emulation for my dvd drive.



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