[lug] SSH notes for meeting August 8, 2002

Rob Judd rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu
Sun Aug 11 13:25:10 MDT 2002

On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Evelyn Mitchell wrote:

> * On 2002-08-11 16:41 Rob Judd <rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu> wrote:
> >
> > So my question is: are there any user-definable scripts that KDE and Gnome
> > run where you could put this line as a regular user?  I would like to add
> > that information to my slides.
> This article:
>   http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue67/nazario2.html
> suggests:
>   A second modification you can do is to start your X desktop, such as
>   GNOME or KDE, as the argument to ssh-agent. This will cause every X
>   client locally started to be aware of how to communicate with the agent,
>   allowing for greater ease when you use terminals to log in to other
>   hosts.
> This one couldn't get that working:
>    http://www.eanet.cz/~lvanek/develop/linux/kdevel_sf/
> So they suggested:
>    #
>    Starting SSH Agent as terminal child
>    Second way is here. Type following commands under KDE terminal:
>    # ssh-agent csh
>    # ssh-add
>    # kdevelop
>    First command start SSH Agent, and new shell as their child process.
>    Second command add RSA passphrasse to SSH Agent. Third, run KDevelop.
>    KDevelop run as SSH Agent child, and you may use KDevelop CVS
>    integration.
> This book chapter:
>    http://www.togaware.com/linuxbook/ssh.html
> has similar instructions for gnome.

I should have been more clear - the situation is simple if you do not use
XDM/KDM/GDM, whatever.  If you log on to a console before running X, then
you can just type, eval `ssh-agent`, on the command line before using your
favourite command to run X.  My intent was to ask how to achieve this in
the case where you are forced to log in with xdm or whatever.

Thanks, Rob

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