[lug] somewhat-OT: virus scanners for Linux

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Fri Aug 16 17:26:07 MDT 2002

On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 17:05, j davis wrote:
> Exploit-MIME.gen Virus Found
> jd

Hi jd,

Thanks, thats interesting.

If you read the McAfee description:  


its says that:

  "As this is a generic detection which may cover many different 
   trojans and viruses, it is not possible to specify any further
   details or symptoms of this threat."

so we know the general mechanism (MIME-exploit) by which the virus
infects.  But we still don't know much about the actual program thats
running on my friend's machine.  It could be almost anything.  Huh.  I
had expected (in my ignorance) to get a more detailed description of
what was sending that message.

Oh, well.  As Dan pointed out, it really doesn't help me to know what
hes running.

But thanks for checking...  and what do you want at the Dark Horse next
month?  ;-)


Edward H. Hill III, PhD 
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:  ed at eh3.com,  ehill at mines.edu
Division of ESE            |  URLs:   http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines   |    http://cesep.mines.edu/people/edhill.php
Golden, CO  80401          |  Phone:  303-273-3483    Fax: 303-273-3311

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