[lug] RH Linux update?
D. Stimits
stimits at attbi.com
Thu Sep 5 22:02:02 MDT 2002
David.Menges at UCHSC.edu wrote:
> A very newbie question: I installed RH Linux via the install GUI and chose
> a standard Server config (not custom), but it didn't load something I need.
> So I got back into the install GUI and chose "Update". Nothing is checked -
> how do you know what the standard Server config has already installed? I
> think the answer is "use rpm with certain parameters", but it seems weird
> the install GUI doesn't tell you...
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As root you can try this for rpm packages:
rpm -qva | sort | less
(technically all you need is rpm -qva)
Your CD's will have other rpm files you can add, I think "update" only
makes sure your current system versions of packages installed are at
least as new as on the CD...so packages from the CD that did the install
will never be newer than itself.
If you wish to see where all the rpm files are, mount the cd, change to
that directory path, and run:
find . -name "*rpm" -type f -xdev -print
(should be thousands of names that go flying by, look for the directory)
D. Stimits, stimits AT attbi.com
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