[lug] group perm nightmare

Jason W. Strnad jasons at ehlokitty.org
Sat Oct 5 08:26:32 MDT 2002

On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 01:15 PM, Warren Sanders wrote:

> I am migrating users from an old mandrake system to a new RH8.0 
> system.It contains a mix of users with 'users' as the group.  I'd like 
> to tie this down a bit by making both owner:group the same recursivly 
> as a new useradd would by default.  Anyone have a script for this?

So I know that this is the 'RedHat' way and when in Rome (RedHat?) do 
as the Romans, etc.  But, beyond the benefit of being consistent with 
the distribution, can anyone tell me the benefit to this user:group 

Personally, and I come from a BSD background, I find this to be 
somewhat obnoxious, and something that I work around, rather than 
something I find useful.  I also hate the System-V init scripts that 
RedHat brought to linux, but I have learned that they bring extra 
flexibility in certain complicated startup situations.

I don't mean to start a religious war, and I find RedHat' s distro to 
be quite good on the whole, but I can't escape the thought that this 
user:group arrangement is simply gratuitously different.  Can anyone 
shed light on this for me?


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