[lug] Redhat NFS installs: Substitute http?
tkil at scrye.com
Mon Oct 21 18:51:40 MDT 2002
>>>>> "Nate" == Nate Duehr <nate at natetech.com> writes:
Nate> Tom's note about symlinks would certainly work... hopefully you
Nate> saw that one!
If you meant "Tkil's", then let me amplify:
| for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
| mkdir /mnt/rh-8.0-$i
| mount -o ro,isofs,loop /xfer/rh-8.0-$i.iso /mnt/rh-8.0-$i
| done
| cd /var/www/htdocs
| mkdir RedHat
| cd RedHat
| ln -s /mnt/rh-8.0-1/base .
| mkdir RPMS
| ln -s /mnt/rh-8.0-?/RPMS/*.rpm RPMS
| mkdir SRPMS
| ln -s /mnt/rh-8.0-?/RPMS/*.rpm SRPMS
After that, you should be able to get a RedHat network installer to
see those RPMs by selecting an HTTP install, giving the host name or
address, and a directory specification of just "/".
I can double-check this when I get home; the above is from memory.
(And I think I did things a bit more manually than the above "script"
would indicate...)
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