[lug] CVSROOT and CVS/Root

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Tue Oct 22 05:21:34 MDT 2002

On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 10:37:45PM -0600, Anders Knudsen wrote:
> [...]
> Please help mitigate my CVS ignorance on this, if there in fact is a
> solution.

Well, i don't know if this solves your problem, but this is the way i do 

 - Allways run CVS through a ssh tunnel.
 - When i want to us a specific server i just start a ssh tunnel to
   the server: ssh rm at server.that-runs.cvs -L2401:
 - Export the CVSROOT like this: 
      export CVSROOT=:pserver:rmattes at localhost:/var/cvs
 - Now all operations will look like they are local when instead the
   are performend remote (with the benefit of encryption).

 Note: this means that you need a login account on the CVS server.
 The nice side effect is that you can use ssh certificates to authenticate.
 This settup (i.e. server-agnostic) also considerably eases CVS migration.

  hth  Ralf Mattes

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