[lug] script kiddie

D. Stimits stimits at attbi.com
Sun Dec 1 12:06:24 MST 2002

jdavis wrote:

> hello,
>   While reviewing last nights Snort logs I noticed alot of ssl - slapper
> like activity from one box to my webserver. The box looked to be
> in tyland, so i decided to have a look. a nmap scan of the box in tyland
> showed nothing intresting except that port 2000 was open. so telnetd
> to it and got a shell with apache uid. The shell droped me in / so
> I looked in /tmp to see if any slapper files were there...i didnt see
> any but there was lots of other stuff.
> ...
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 apache   apache       2311 Nov 26 23:10 r00t.sh
> ...

> can anyone tell me what r00t.sh does? And how would one go about
> notifing the owners.

It is a popular root kit. It gives full unrestricted root access to 
whoever installed it, and usually sniffing ability is added to provide 
any passwords that are visible, in order to compromise other machines. 
Probably it adds other means of hiding trails and searching for other 
machines to compromise. Likely the owner needs to know that every 
password entered that went through that machine is known to the 
attacker, and if ssh has been replaced, even passwords sent via ssh will 
be known. The real owner of the machine really needs to know what is 
going on.

D. Stimits, stimits AT attbi.com

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