[lug] Speaker for Dec. Meeting

Chris Riddoch riddochc at ucsu.colorado.edu
Tue Dec 3 14:17:49 MST 2002

On 3 Dec 2002, Ed Hill wrote:
> I'm not sure how to best organize such a meeting but perhaps a few
> people could give short demos like what Dhruva suggested.  For the rest,
> we could just go around the room asking folks to provide quick answers
> to (for example):
>   1) your name

Hmm. And email address, because it's sometimes frighteningly more easy to
associate an email address with the person behind it because of writing
style and the context of previous email discussion.

>   2) what to you use Linux (and Free/OSS in general) for most often?
>   3) are you involved with any Free/OSS projects?  if so, which?
>   4) what feature/fix/app/whatever would you most like to see
>      available on Linux?
>   5) *quickly* describe one of your favorite features, hacks,
>      problems solved with Linux.

This seems similar in spirit to the Evening Of Demos we did in June.
It's a good idea.  I think it would be good for people to let me know if
they'd be interested in talking for five minutes, rather than hoping to
strike up a spontaneous interest in public speaking.  It can take a little
while for interest in discussing something to manifest in a large group.
People who plan on talking ahead of time will be more inspired to say
something of substance.

> I realize that some folks detest public speaking and thats ok--they can
> say as little as they want.  For the rest of us, I'm thinking it could
> be fun (generate some good conversations) if we keep the answers
> succinct.

I agree! This is more free-form than what we normally do, but it's worth a
try.  Thoughts?

Christopher.Riddoch at colorado.edu
  - epistemological humility -

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