CORRECTION RE: [lug] Boulder HackingSociety Dinner/Meeting thursday (2003-01-16)

Ed Hill ed at
Tue Jan 14 14:37:43 MST 2003

On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 14:23, Paul Bille wrote:
> Crawford 1/12 > "The date was moved due to Regis to 30 January."
> Crawford 1/13 > "CLUE North will be 30 January at 6:30PM, NOT the date
> posted below.  Sorry for any confusions in advance.--- Crawford
> Crawford 1/13 > "Randy, could you update the CLUE-North web page with
> the 30 Jan por favor? Gracias.--- Crawford"
> Crawford 1/14 > "The CLUE-North "show and tell" night is Thursday, 23
> January."
> I'm confused.  Let me know what the date is and I'll make any
> appropriate changes to the calendar.

I'll second that confusion.  I've seen so many conflicting emails on
this subject that I've lost count.  I think it would be helpful if there
was another announcement (perhaps marked "FINAL") that

  1) was mailed to this list and
  2) was in agreement with the CLUE-North web page.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD 
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:  ed at,  ehill at
Division of ESE            |  URLs:
Colorado School of Mines   |
Golden, CO  80401          |  Phones:  303-384-2094, 303-273-3483
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