[lug] Print warnings from Perl...

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Tue Jan 21 14:38:53 MST 2003

* Chip Atkinson (chip at rmpg.org) wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm trying to print a close parenthesis ()) in perl and get warnings when
> trying to do so when using the -w option.  Any ideas on how to stop the
> warnings?
> Here's the program and output:
> chip 17> perl -w syn.pl
> print (...) interpreted as function at syn.pl line 4.
> print (...) interpreted as function at syn.pl line 5.
> print (...) interpreted as function at syn.pl line 6.
> X
> )
> \))
> chip 18> cat syn.pl
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print ("X\n");
> print ("\)\n");
> print ('\)');
> print (")\n");
I don't think it is complaing about the parenthesis, but rather the
space between print and the functional parens:

print "foo"

uses print as a built in.  You can also call print as a function:


You are giving:

print ("foo").

The warning is just saying, hey I assumed you meant that as a function.
Take away the space, and the warning will go away.  At least it did for

==  Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net  ==
==  http://i148.denver.dsl.forethought.net  ==
== ---------------------------------------- ==
== "Hello, World" 17 Errors, 31 Warnings... ==

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