[lug] Linux , Mozilla, Web-dev
mohadib at ns2.taproot.bz
Wed Jan 22 07:44:47 MST 2003
> > everyday use.
> i probably don't count as a Web-Developer since most of my work
> centers arround programming (apps. that are used to create/modify/serve
> Web content) but i occasinally have a look at html to help debug
> problems. My setup for that:
> Debian GNU/Linux on PowerPCC with MacOnLinux and BasiliskII
> I can test with Netscape4.., Mozilla, Opera on Linux, Konqueror, dillo etc.
> from within Linux and i can start Mac OS9 or MacOS X in MacOnLinux
> window (which gives me both Netscape up to the latest version as well
> as Navigator (_not_ the Netscape version), Opera on Mac, Internet ex-
> plorer in several version, Mozilla, Opera, HotJava etc.
> If i want/need to hurt my customers Web designer i start up BasiliskII
> with Mac OS 7.5 and Mosaic or Netscape2 ;-)
> I'd say i pretty much cover the available browsers (but: no MS boxes
> here: IE tends to be more buggy under Windows and the set of available
> fonts is different).
wow, nice set up Ralf. i beat my poor linux box into macos
submission sometimes myself. But only on the extiror. I have always
wanted to setup mac on linux...can you run macromedia products and
photoslop in there? if so this would be much nicer than my current
vmware workaround. vmware...is ......so.......s....l ....o.....wwww :)
Linux beating...(only the mac shot)
click the apple for a bigger pic.
thanks for the help
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