[lug] OT: registrar switching

Jason W. Strnad jstrnad at mac.com
Wed Feb 5 07:39:33 MST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 01:02 PM, Hugh Brown wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 13:20, Jason W. Strnad wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Indeed...It took me 2 years to wrestle one of my domains from 
>> Verisign,
>> and suffered weeks of downtime because of this very problem.  While I
>> took my current registrar to task for their part of the problem (they
>> were not very helpful), I lay the bulk of the blame on at the feet of
>> Verisign.  It seems to be a primary goal on Verisign's part to extort
>> money from victims leaving their 'service'.
> How much did they charge you to leave?

Well the story was that I needed to renew my 6 month old domain with 
them for at least a year so they could get their systems in order (and 
make my broken domain work again), then when my extension came up for 
renewal again everything would be just peachy and I could go anywhere I 
wanted.  This after months of dealing with them and 2 weeks of a borked 
domain.  So against my better judgment, I did it, when I called after a 
year to finally get rid of their miserable service once and for all, i 
had another six months of phone calls and yelling before I finally got 
moved over.

All of this was due to my buying the domain through some cheap reseller 
of Verisign.  I should have found a thread like this and heeded it's 

- -jasons
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