[lug] Suggested Colo's in Boulder, managed hosting?

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Wed Mar 5 22:15:01 MST 2003

Matt Clauson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 02 March 2003 10:52, Eric Peers wrote:
>>I'm looking for either a colo or a dedicated host
>>somewhere (colo near Boulder, dedicated host
>>anywhere). I want 60GB+ of online storage (for digital
>>photography), 768kb/s speed, and 10-20GB of data xfer
>>per month. I'd like to spend $100 or less per month.
> DISCLAIMER:  I am about to be employed by these folks, but I don't speak 
> for them yet, and I can't speak as to their quality of service yet.

I dealt with them for 2 years, leasing a machine. I was happy with it 
and have refered them as a colo. Last I heard they were offering 20 gigs 
per month for $99.

Good luck with the job, Matt.


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