[lug] Linux hardware

Daniel Webb webb at danielwebb.us
Sat Mar 8 01:30:03 MST 2003

On 6 Mar 2003, Ed Hill wrote:

> The Lahey F90/95 compiler
>   http://www.lahey.com/
> is the cheapest of the commercial offerings and its working well on our
> F90 codes.  Also, Intel has an unsupported and free-for-non-commercial-
> use-only F90/95 compiler for Linux at:
>   http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/flin/noncom.htm

  Right now the guy working on this is trying the Intel compiler.  So far
it's crashing, but then again, we didn't use the install script (which was
for Redhat only, and we use Debian).

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