[lug] RRD

jd lug at taproot.bz
Tue Apr 1 19:49:10 MST 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 18:30, Sean Reifschneider wrote: 
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 06:11:15PM -0700, jd wrote:
> > I have been trying to make a graph of packets dropped 
> >by iptables. I tryed 4 times to make a rrd database. I still
> >dont get it. 
> I had no problems with building an rrd database by following the
> manpages.  See "man rrdtool" for more information, particularly the
> example sections of the various associated man pages.
> You probably also want to read:
>    http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> your original question didn't tell us what you are doing or how it was
> failing, which limited how we could help you.
> Sean

thanks for the reminder :o)

Anyway the problem is this....
I follwed the tutorial here.... 

and here is the output i get from the rrd table I made....

920804400: nan
920804700: nan
920805000: 4.0000000000e-02
920805300: 2.0000000000e-02
920805600: 0.0000000000e+00
920805900: 0.0000000000e+00
920806200: 3.3333333333e-02
920806500: 3.3333333333e-02
920806800: 3.3333333333e-02
920807100: 2.0000000000e-02
920807400: 2.0000000000e-02
920807700: 2.0000000000e-02
920808000: 1.3333333333e-02
920808300: 1.6666666667e-02
920808600: 6.6666666667e-03
920808900: 3.3333333333e-03
920809200: nan

and heres is what the webpage says i must see, or *something* is wrong..

20804700: NaN 
 920805000:      0.04
 920805300:      0.02
 920805600:      0.00
 920805900:      0.00
 920806200:      0.03
 920806500:      0.03
 920806800:      0.03
 920807100:      0.02
 920807400:      0.02
 920807700:      0.02
 920808000:      0.01
 920808300:      0.02
 920808600:      0.01
 920808900:      0.00
 920809200:       NaN

What i want to do is parse /var/log/messages for iptable logs
Based on the logs I want to build a rrd data base for each port
that logged something, and how many times that port logged anything...

so I want something like...

d  200 |                                  [80] = red
r      |                                  [137] = blue
o      |                                  [443] = green
p  100 |
p      |
e      |
d  0   |_____________________________
	12am 1am 2am 3am 4am etc.....

heres my first shot at it....without rrd...
## just a first draft - only graphs one hour

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# this scrip needs 'IPT' for log prefix

use PNGgraph::bars;
use PNGgraph::colour;
print STDERR "Processing My First Graph\n";

$file = '/var/log/messages';
open(FILE, "$file") || die "cant open messages";
@log = <FILE>;

$in_date = `/bin/date`;

######  Get Day and Hour #######
######			 #######
## $date[2] = day
## $hour[0] = hour

@date = split(/ /, $in_date);
@hour = split(/:/, $date[3]);

$my_day = "$date[3]";
$my_hour = "$hour[0]";

#### get only the IPT lines for day and hour from mesages put in @raw
		@temp = split(/ /, $_);
		if($temp[1] =~ /^\d/){
			if($temp[1] == $my_day){
			($time,$crap) = split(/:/, $temp[1]);
				if($time == $my_hour){
					print "yes";
					push(@raw, $_);

		# on the first of the month $temp[1] is null so $temp[2] has the var
		# need to see what happens at midnight 
		elsif( $temp[2] =~ /^1$/ && $temp[1] !~ /\s\w\d/){
			if($temp[2] == $my_day){
			($the_time,$the_crap) = split(/:/, $temp[2]);
				if($the_time == $my_hour){
					print "yes";
					push(@raw, $_);

			print "Error getting the date/hour varabiles\n";

# get just Dport
		@one_line = split(/ /, "$_");
		foreach $one_line(@one_line){
			if($one_line =~ /DPT/){
				($more_crap,$the_port) = split(/DPT\=/, $one_line);
					push(@final_port, $the_port);

# make hash
%temp = ();
@zports = grep ++$temp{$_}, @final_port;

foreach $key (keys(%temp)){

$data[0] = \@graph_key;
$data[1] = \@graph_value;

$my_graph = new PNGgraph::bars();
        x_label => 'Hour',
        y_label => 'Droped Packets',
        title => 'A Simple Bar Chart',
        y_max_value => 80,
        y_tick_number => 8,
        y_label_skip => 2,
$my_graph->plot_to_png( "test1.png", \@data );

if you made it this far i have a pretty picture for you.....


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