[lug] XFS filesystem core code goes into AC series

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Wed Apr 30 04:06:15 MDT 2003

On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 05:00:29PM -0600, The Matt wrote:
> OK, I'll ask.  I've used FATxx, NTFS, Extx, and BeFS, but never XFS. 
> What are the pros/cons of XFS compared to, say, Ext3 and ReiserFS.  My
> limited knowledge is that XFS is what you use on very fast (SCSI320 and
> Fibre Channel) systems, ReiserFS is good for small files, 

AFAIK this is not entirely correct -- ReiserFS (with its default 
B-Tree implementation) is very good for directories with lots of
files (unpatched ext2 does a linear scan over the file list
to find a file while ReiserFS uses a b-tree). 

> and
> ext3...well, because I always used ext2, I've never looked elsewhere.

I recently switched over to ext3 on some of my systems. Thanks to
the logging of meta information fscheck performance is rather impressive
(note: ext3 volumes can be mounted as ext2 volumes - handy in case of

just my 0.02$ 

    Ralf Mattes

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