[lug] linux firewall, popup windows spam blocking

Bear Giles bgiles at coyotesong.com
Sun Jun 22 09:46:13 MDT 2003

On a related note, how do you send Window Messager messages?

Not to spam... but I think it could be a Good Thing for many of us 
to add Window Messager acks to our services.  We shouldn't just 
quietly block suspicious activities, we should honor these people 
for there initiative!

This won't stop "pro" attackers, of course.  But it's fun to 
imagine some 14-year-old wannabe running his illicit program, then 
making a mess as the screen is flooded with "I see you" messages.

Besides the annoyance factor, this could even address those 
attackers attempting to turn wiretap laws against their victims 
when the attempt to take action - the message could contain some 
legal-sounding noise about all communications being logged and 
shared with third parties, including law enforcement, etc. 
Naturally at this point it would be a good idea to log that the 
message was actually sent, and if it was received (vs. blocked) if 

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