[lug] Re: 'RHL', Severn, and other mysteries.

Peter Hutnick peter-lists at hutnick.com
Thu Aug 7 07:39:15 MDT 2003

Tom Tromey said:
>>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Hutnick <peter-lists at hutnick.com> writes:
> Peter> Sounds like RH is 1. laying off a bunch of development people and
> 2. Peter> trying to compete with Gentoo and 3. trying to spin it as
> being more Peter> "open."  But that's just my SWAG.
> You've been reading too much slashdot!

While this is absolutely true, I'm not sure what the connection is.

I guess my questions are:

1. Where is this announcement that http://rhl.redhat.com refers to (but
doesn't link to)?

2. If they are so "excited" about it, why isn't it mentioned at

3. If the existing engineers are going to keep doing what they are doing
what is this "community" going to do?  If the community is going to start
doing what the engineers have been doing what is the community going to

4. Are you aware that a SWAG is a (Scientific) Wild Assed Guess?

Since RH has chosen to make an announcement about an announcement that
doesn't seem to exist I am left to speculate.  Of course I'm not compelled
to subject you all to that speculation, but what fun is that?


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