[lug] how to track forged packets in a virus spoof

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Fri Aug 22 08:48:03 MDT 2003

Consider yourself lucky that your ISP doesn't selectively block ports or even 
drop ALL incoming connection requests.  Many of us live with crippled network 
connections at home, and it's really a shame IMHO.

On Friday 22 August 2003 07:12, Mr Viggy wrote:
> That's what I thought originally.  But a friend was able to connect to
> my Linux box to FTP stuff, before I got the VPN safe addy.  Of course,
> that doesn't mean too much.  But I would think that they would filter
> incomming 21 packets.
> Anyhow, it doesn't really bother me.  I haven't had a problem.
> :-)


 |  John Hernandez - NOAA Boulder NOC - 303-497-6392
 |  Mailstop R/OM62. 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
 |  PGP Public Key ID: 586A7E23

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