[lug] LabVIEW-on-Linux question
Benjamin.Manthey at colorado.edu
Benjamin.Manthey at colorado.edu
Thu Sep 25 11:13:14 MDT 2003
try openg.org
Quoting "David A. Merritt" <dmerritt at dimensional.com>:
> Hello, group.
> I'm using NI LabVIEW (LV) on Linux and am trying to get LV
> to talk to a USB-to-RS422 converter via the VISA device interface.
> Does anyone on the list have LV-on-Linux experience?
> Here are some details:
> Linux: RH 7.3, up to date on RPM's
> LV: 6.1
> USB converter box: Edgeport/2i
> Linux see's the box (with io_ti module) and will talk to it via
> /dev/usb/ttyUSBx correctly. LV, when told to map the
> /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 device to a VISA device see's it, but when told to
> write a string to it, I get an I/O error code (generic code; no real
> info).
> NI/LV dev zone site is no help.
> Any suggestions? Ed Hill, have you done this?
> Thanks,
> -dam
> --
> David A. Merritt
> dmerritt at dimensional.com
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