[lug] Speakers still needed...

Ferdinand Schmid fschmid at archenergy.com
Fri Sep 26 17:19:17 MDT 2003

Given the current discussions I feel that a comparison of the
distributions would be worthwhile.

I would be willing to talk about SuSE Linux.  We would still need to
find a speaker for Debian, one for KRUD (and RedHat)...

I would be happy to coordinate a bit with the other speakers so we
could compare system administration, features, fees, ...


--On Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:58:58 PM -0600 Chris Riddoch
<Christopher.Riddoch at colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hi, everyone.
> Nobody's yet made any suggestions for talks, since I posted a couple
> weeks ago.  I *could* perhaps say a little about my recent experiences
> with SuSE, and fairly recent experiences with Debian, given that I
> recently switched from Debian to SuSE, but most of the other things I
> could talk about have more to do with linguistics than Linux.
> Given that I'm working on my master's thesis, I'd *prefer* for other
> people to give talks for a while, but I could throw something together
> comparing Debian Testing and SuSE 8.2.
> So once again: anybody got something you want to talk about?  Hear
> about?  Let us know!
> -- 
> Christopher.Riddoch at colorado.edu
>  - epistemological humility -
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Ferdinand Schmid
Architectural Energy Corporation
Celebrating 21 Years of Improving Building Energy Performance

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