[lug] Input needed (firewall/vpn)

Dave Hagerty dave at surfingpenguin.com
Mon Oct 6 21:20:02 MDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 21:00, Brian Stiff wrote:

> Most folks hold the Cisco PIX in high regard for
> firewall and VPN, but the cost of deploying a router
> in line with a firewall at my employer's small remote
> offices looks prohibitive, even for PIX 501's.  We're
> looking at turning on the firewall and VPN stuff on
> our small IOS routers, and I wondered if anyone had
> opinions of the new CBAC functionality and router
> client-mode VPN connections.
> Thanks for input.

I realize I'm not answering the question that's being put to me, but..

I use the smoothwall firewall and find it very easy to configure and
use.  It's my personal firewall (one of them), and I have it implemented
on a P133 which would have been otherwise used to moor somebody's
fishing vessel (www.smoothwall.org).  It has a VPN on it, which I have
yet to set up. If the VPN setup is as easy as the firewall setup was, I
expect my Labrador retriever could do it.


Dave Hagerty
... and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.
Isaiah 19:9 (KJV)

"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section,
said 'Requires Windows 98 or better'. So I installed Linux."

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