[lug] Re: [OT?] LaTeX Tables Question (Jani Averbach)

Steve Sullivan sullivan at mathcom.com
Wed Oct 29 12:13:10 MST 2003

On 2003-10-29 11:45-0700, Dhruva B. Reddy wrote:
> I'm writing a document in LaTeX, which contains tables with quite a bit
> of text in each cell.  By default, it does not wrap the text, so it gets
> pretty ugly.  Would anyone happen to know if this is possible and how to
> do it?

The following may do what you ask ...

%% Note: if a p{} column contains either
%% \raggedright or \centering, the \\ will end
%% the line WITHIN that box only.
%% To end the table line, use \tabularnewline.

\begin{tabular}{|p{1.0in}|p{3.0in}|p{1.0in}|} \hline

Task    &    Comments     &     Personnel   \\ \hline \hline

..... etc ...
\\ \hline


Steve Sullivan    sullivan at mathcom.com

   Mathcom Solutions Inc.: Custom Software Development.
    * Mathematical optimization, simulation, and modeling.
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