[lug] Linux NFS server, Solaris client

Michael Belanger mrb at ciclops.org
Fri Nov 21 13:59:01 MST 2003

# showmount -e nurse
export list for nurse:
/      *
/mongo *
/tmp   (everyone)
/home  (everyone)
/data  (everyone)
/raid  (everyone)

Here is something interesting as well.. I set my workstation (linux) to 
nfs share the CDROM drive.  As directed, I also set the share to the sun 
workstation specifically by FQDN.  Check this out...

- from sun (banjo):
# showmount -e orca
no exported file systems for orca

- on orca:
]$ sudo /usr/sbin/exportfs
exportfs: banjo.ciclops.org.1.10.in-addr.arpa has non-inet addr
exportfs: banjo.ciclops.org.1.10.in-addr.arpa has non-inet addr

Does this scream out the problem to anyone?

I checked the dns zone and reverse table, all is consistant.

Grep Ergo Sum - I grep therefore I am wrote:
>>I am running out of ideas of why this doesn't work..
> Forgive me, but could you post the output of the showmount -e
> again, as I inadvertantly deleted it.
> I just realized that some of your entries said (all), while others
> said *. Could the problem be in the /etc/exports file?
> ____________________________________________
> Dave Hagerty
> ... and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.
> Isaiah 19:9 (KJV)
> "On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, it
> said 'Requires Windows 98 or better'. So I installed Linux."
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> credit." - George C. Marshall
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Michael R. Belanger                     http://www.ambientblue.org
Freedom through Chaos                   Yahoo!:  darthwonka
                                         MSN:     mrbelanger at hotmail.com
                                         Jabber:  mrb at jabber.ciclops.org

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