[lug] Time sync w/xntp

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Tue Nov 25 13:55:49 MST 2003

Dan Ferris wrote:

> Did you restart ntpd? 

Of course I didn't.  Thanks.  The ntp log looks much nicer now.


> Gary Hodges wrote:
>> I'm having some trouble with xntpd.  I'm getting the following errors 
>> in /var/log/ntp
>> 25 Nov 13:28:17 ntpd[28079]: can't open 
>> /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift.TEMP: No such file or directory
>> In the /etc/ntp.conf file I have the following line
>> driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift  # path for drift file
>> While googling I saw a note that indicated I should touch the 
>> driftfile first.  I did that and then I also touched ntp.drift.TEMP 
>> as well, but I still get those errors.
>> moon1:/var/lib/ntp/drift # ls -l
>> total 0
>> drwxr-xr-x    2 ntp      nogroup       112 2003-11-25 09:43 .
>> drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          120 2003-11-18 11:55 ..
>> -rw-r--r--    1 ntp      nogroup         0 2003-11-25 09:20 ntp.drift
>> -rw-r--r--    1 ntp      nogroup         0 2003-11-25 09:43 
>> ntp.drift.TEMP
>> I just tried changing the ownership and group for the two drift files 
>> from root to what it is above and I get the same results.

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