[lug] grub.conf missing
Jani Averbach
jaa at jaa.iki.fi
Thu Dec 18 14:50:20 MST 2003
On 2003-12-18 14:25-0700, John Hernandez wrote:
> After removing an older kernel rpm (keeping only a couple of newer
> kernels) on my RH 9 system, I'm accidentally left with a blank
> /boot/grub/grub.conf !@? I've never wrapped my brain around Grub, and
> I'm hoping someone can help me reconstruct a working boot configuration
> without my having to go find backup tapes.
> I'd like to boot:
> Linux from /dev/hdb1
> DOS from /dev/hda1
> What's the easiest way to do this from scratch with Grub?
Start from here, there is example configuration.
After that you can start mess with just plain grub prompt, and find
out sequence of commands which will work for you. I would say that
grub's command prompt is insanely powerfull for to be a boot loader.
For linux you are interested:
root(...) == grub root,
kernel ... == where is your kernel, and it's parameters
initrd ... use that if you are using initrd
boot ... to louch actual boot process (from command line)
For dos, I could not help so much, but there is few examples to
chain load windows.
First you however have to find where your /boot/grub is located and
set 'root' accordingly [try 'root(hd1,0)' ], or you could just set it to
something, and after that type (in grub prompt)
cat /
and hit tab few times and you will see files in current root and
figure out if it is correct root or not.
Have fun, =)
Jani Averbach
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